Why Caching DNS Servers Aren't Onboard Internet Routers

James Hale10 Feb 2023

Caching DNS servers play a critical role in network performance and the overall user experience. Without them, users might struggle to access websites due to longer latency times when resolving hostnames into IP addresses. This is why caching DNS servers are frequently used on architectures such as corporate networks, ISP backbones, or content delivery networks that contain multiple levels of routers. However, these same caching DNS servers aren't typically found onboard internet routers which means they must be hosted separately somewhere else within the architecture. In this article we will discuss why it isn’t common practice to put cacheable name-servers onto Internet Routers and how different types of optimizations can provide better network response time while still providing all expected services from an authoritative server setup alone.

What is a Caching DNS Server?

A caching DNS server is a type of name server that stores information from publicly available Domain Name System (DNS) records. This allows users to access websites and other online services more quickly, as the cached data reduces the amount of time it takes for an internet connection request to be processed by reducing trips required over the network. When looking at how we can make web browsing faster, one option would be to put caching DNS servers on onboard routers – but this isn’t necessarily always recommended or even feasible in some cases. In this blog post, we will discuss why not all Internet Routers have built-in Caching DNS Servers and explore alternative methods of improving website loading speeds without them being present.

Why Don't Home Routers Have Caching DNS Servers?

When it comes to home routers, most of us assume that all the features and capabilities we need are already included in our router. However, there is one feature which is often lacking - Caching DNS Servers (CDNS). These servers provide a cache for domain name lookups so requests can be responded to more quickly than if they had gone through an internet-based server. Unfortunately, due to their relatively large resource requirements compared with other services on a typical domestic router like DHCP or NAT forwarding they tend not to be included as standard by manufacturers. This means users are required to install additional hardware or software solutions should they wish this functionality in their homes network setup.

The Benefits of Installing a Caching DNS Server

Installing a caching DNS server can bring many benefits to your home network. Caching reduces the amount of time required to look up domain names, resulting in faster internet speeds and reduced latency when surfing the web. It also improves security by reducing the chances that an attacker could redirect traffic away from real websites or services to malicious ones, as it caches results locally for quicker lookup times. Finally, installing a caching DNS server on your router can help conserve bandwidth resources since fewer requests will be made outside of your local network due to cached entries already being stored there—useful particularly if you have limited data options available where you live. All these advantages make it easy to understand why some people prefer having their own caching DNS servers rather than relying solely on their routers alone for internet connections.

How to Install a Caching DNS Server on Your Home Router

One of the most common home network configurations is to use onboard internet routers, which often lack an in-built caching DNS server. This means that all queries must be sent away from your local router and forwarded onto another remote service. By not having a caching DNS server installed on your home router you are missing out on many benefits such as faster web browsing times and improved privacy/security protection for online activities. Fortunately, there are ways to install a caching DNS server directly onto your existing router so that these advantages can still be achieved without needing to purchase any additional equipment or components. As long as the process is followed correctly, it should only take around 30 minutes or less before being able to experience the convenience of using a locally hosted networking solution with geodns capabilities too!

Installing a caching DNS Server on your home router can have important benefits, such as faster web browsing and improved internet security. However, it also comes with potential risks to the overall security of your network. Navigating these implications requires an understanding of how they work and what measures need to be taken in order to remain secure while using them. While many routers come pre-installed with access control functions that allow you to manage who is allowed onto the network, malicious actors may still find ways into your system if certain steps are not taken when installing a caching DNS server. Security considerations include ensuring proper configuration for services running on the server; checking logs regularly for suspicious activity; blocking UDP ports from outside sources; disabling unnecessary features or services like remote administration tools; updating software patches regularly; and implementing additional encryption protocols wherever possible. Taking all these precautions will help keep any data passed through the caching DNS servers safe from prying eyes or intrusions by hackers over time.


In conclusion, caching DNS servers are powerful tools for improving Internet access speed and reliability but they come with security implications. If a router is the gateway to your home or office network, it’s important to protect it from malicious actors who may try to exploit your data through cache poisoning attacks. Installing a dedicated caching DNS server can be an effective way of safeguarding against these kinds of threats by isolating the vulnerability outside of your core network components. Onboard routers are typically not optimized for running a caching service as efficiently as specialized solutions so installing one separately will often offer far greater protection and performance gains when compared alongside onboard options.

James Hale

James Hale

Hi there, My names James Hale and I am a passionate I.T. / tech nerd. Working primarily within networking & communications, I wanted to share my insights into the world of routers. Hope you enjoy my content!

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